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Australian Anthropology Annual Conference

30 November, 2015

The 2015 annual conference of the Australian Anthropological Society (AAS) will be hosted by the Anthropology Programme at the University of Melbourne from 1-4 December. This year’s conference “Moral Horizons” will address moral pluralities both within anthropological practice and in the rapidly evolving world the discipline researches.

Melbourne University will be hosting the annual conference of the Australian Anthropological Society this year. The plenary speakers are  Michael Lambek (University of Toronto), Nancy Scheper-Hughes (University of California, Berkeley), and Annelise Riles (Cornell Law School). The Distinguished Lecture will be given by Associate Professor Martha Macintyre (The University of Melbourne) on Tuesday 1, December, from 5.30pm to 7.00pm at the Carillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia. To browse the panels, timetable and events, check out the conference website:

As this blog is maintained by the Department of Anthropology at Macquarie University, allow me to flag some of the events and sessions that current and former Macquarie University anthropology staff will be involved in:

At 11h00 to 12h30 On Wednesday 2 December, Jaap Timmer and Matt Tomlinson will convene a session on the social formation of wonder with Michael W. Scott from the London School of Economics acting as a discussant (Location: Old Quad-G17, Cussonia Court Room 1). This session will continue from 13h30 to 15h00 and again from 17h30 to 19h00 that same day. Jaap Timmer will come back the next day, Thursday 3 December, as a discussant for three session on Intimacy & information: dilemmas of power, trust and property in the informant encounter convened by Carmen Cummings and Timothy Pilbrow at 11h00 t0 12h30, 13h30 to 15h00, and 15h30 to 17h00  (Location: Babel 106 Middle Theatre).

Alongside the session on Intimacy and Information, Christopher Houston, Irfan Ahmad, Banu Senay, and Joel Kahn will convene three sessions on New Perpectives on Muslim Moralities (location Old Quad-G17, Cussonia Court Room 1). Bio-legitimacy and mobilities 2.0: a challenge to human rights? will be convened by Macquarie University PhD graduates Casimir MacGregor and Sverre Molland (location: Old Arts-155, Theatre D).

At 15h30 to 17h00 on Friday 4 December, a plenary event on the role of anthropology in the media and in our communities. The convenors (Gerhard Hoffstaedter, Greg Downey, Tess Lea, and Nancy Scheper-Hughes) will discuss how anthropologists can bring their knowledge to bear in public debates. Greg Downey is an experienced and popular conference tweeter, so make sure you follow the hashtag #moralhorizons as well as Greg’s twitter feed during the conference:

Macquarie University staff presenting include Jaap Timmer, Eve Vincent, Deborah Van Heekeren, Christopher Houston, and Banu Senay.

Macquarie University postgraduate students who will be presenting include: Kenneth Finis, Robyn Gillot, Paul Keil, Lisa Siobhan Irving, Michaela Stockey-Bridge, Sarah Cameron, and Mariske Westendorp.

screenshotMacquarie University anthropology PhD graduates who will be presenting include Casimir MacGregor, Sverre Molland and Paul Mason. Yes, that’s me, I’ll be presenting my research on tuberculosis in Vietnam at 11h00 on Friday 4 December in a session called Managing Medical Uncertainty convened by Tarryn Phillips, John Taylor, and Celia McMichael, with Susanna Trnka as discussant (Old Arts-103, Theatre A). Please check out our Pozible crowdfunding campaign to learn more about recent projects on tuberculosis.


#moralhorizons tweeters to watch out for this week
Greg Downey:
Natalie Swann:
Elisabet Rasch:
Sverre Molland:
Paul Mason:
Sarah Cameron:
Rebekahh Cupitt:
David Colón-Cabrera
Lara McKenzie:
Carole McGranahan:
Jared Commerer:
John Gannon:
Jocelyn Cleghorn:
Katarina Gray-Sharp:
Rosita Armitage:
Brigitte Lewis:
Vanessa Bowden:
Traci Sudana:
Polly Stanton:
And also this public list:

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