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Internet glossy on culture seeks (free) contributions

4 August, 2008

Just spotted an ad on the AAA bulletin for “American Ethnography Quasimonthly” (why do I find that name so funny?), a self-proclaimed “internet glossy on the study of cultures” which is seeking contributors who can contribute material for no pay:

I have no money to pay writers (spreading the word of cultural relativism might not be such a gold mine, after all), so the material I have released on American Ethnography Quasimonthly so far is mostly texts in the public domain. Hoping to widen the scope of material, I am now hoping to get in touch with collaborators who are not so much seeking a career and who is not so much seeking money, but who simply have a good idea or two they want to share! Please get in touch if you have something you think deserve the attention of American Ethnography Quasimonthly! We can be reached at

I’m not familiar with AEQ but my impression from looking at a few pages of the site is that it’s using the time-honored tradition of selling their product with sex.  July’s issue has a woman dressed in a sexed-up vinyl nun’s habit and their about page features an inexplicable illustration of a half-dressed woman with the caption “… crude drawings of voluptuous women and demonic beasts.”

Ahem. As someone who managed to work “sex orgies” into the title of her first book, I would be the last person to criticize someone else for trying to sell their anthro product with sex, but even I was a bit put off by the boobies on their About Page.

Otherwise, looks catchy.  Think of a sexed-up blog collection of interesting anthro material in the public domain with nice graphics.

–L.L. Wynn

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